
I feel bad for those long-suffering people who share an insight, a suggestion, a piece of advice with others in different ways over a long period of time. Their perspective sharing is aimed at helping show something obvious to them with someone they care about who is oblivious.

And then... along comes a book, a program and person who gives exactly the same advice and there... a great revelation for the individual. I find this happens a lot in coaching.

I was reminded of this with a coaching client who shared with his partner a realisation he had in our previous session. While - wisely - the partner didn't jump in and say "That's what I'd been telling you for years, dear", later that day, some earlier discussions they had had did surface to reveal how this idea had been floating around their conversations for a while. It was like a message in a bottle, waiting to be found, opened and read in order to reveal a little mystery about ourselves.

People have to come to ideas themselves. It's just funny really - although also a little frustrating. Helping people to discover things for themselves is what makes coaching effective.

Is coaching ONE THING that might be right for your professional development this year?

Gayle Smerdon