ideas to help you Think differently • Laugh out loud • INSPIRE action
When our busy lives keep us stuck in how we’ve always done things or so much change has our heads spinning, Dr Gayle Smerdon’s engaging presentations can be a breath of fresh air, offering us the chance to pause and reconsider.
Gayle has a way of reminding us of things forgotten and sharing new ideas that can revolutionise how we approach life and work. Her presentations have the power to inspire audiences to see things from a new perspective and to embrace positive change.
And it doesn’t hurt that Gayle creates opportunities to laugh out loud along the way. Laughter helps us to engage more deeply with new ideas, making it more likely that we'll remember and apply what we've learned and turn those “A-Ha!” moments into action.
Gayle speaks on workplace culture, values, leadership, well-being, and teamwork and aims to empower others to do work that matters and contributes to a rich and meaningful life.
Presentation Topics
To say that you will never have a Bad Day again after this session ... might be going a bit too far. However, a liberal application of the Bad Day Playbook approach will severely lessen the severity and frequency of Bad Days. Take back control and see that staying afloat when a Bad Day looms is as easy as 1-2-3.
A cheeky, funny and critical look at what gets in the way of creating a great workplace.
Embracing the Shit-o-meter, the Arse-scale and other handy tools, we consider how to take action, not to make work perfect (it never is), but to make it a little less shit.
This presentation is perfect for the end of your conference or to release some happy endorphins at any event.
[Keynote only - mild language warning]
Tired of working in an Every-thing workplace, where you are so busy you can never catch your breath? Fed up with the frustration of a No-thing workplace, where getting anything done is impossible?
Organisations need to stop wasting time, money, and people’s goodwill by trying to do too far much or far too little workplace change.
Learn how to create sustainable, incremental change that will enrich your workplace culture and develop your leaders by focusing on ONE THING and doing it deep.
There are some things we all need to face up to about the changing expectations of the modern workplace that impact how we learn - and the wonderful possibilities they present for everyone.
This presentation offers some ideas on approaching your professional development differently.
Teams are the powerhouse of our workplaces. They need to function well together and know how to do that for themselves.
This presentation helps teams experiment with how they work together, making them more autonomous, engaged and effective.
In a world enslaved to busy, this presentation is designed to help the overwhelmed and distracted by doing what matters and leaving the unimportant behind. Enter the Wheel Of Overwhelm and identify key strategies for getting the important stuff done - like your own work, looking after your well-being, supporting your team and living a great life.
In organisations, we are asked to align our work with their values. But that goes way beyond their chosen words and how we behave. Values encompass how we see ourselves, others, and our work.
This presentation examines a more profound sense of values and how they enrich our world.
Sessions are available as a 45-minute keynote, a 90-minute interactive session or a 3-hour workshop.
I loved the fun attached to a serious topic and Gayle’s style and friendly approach. We can all do things to make work less shit. We are part of the solution (and the problem).