Where's your ONE THING going?
Imagine that ONE THING - something that you, your team or your organisation want to do better to improve your skills, how you work and connect. Which way do you want to go because ONE THINGs can go in many directions?
I am a fan of doing ONE THING deep. Going deep means doing something that matters, doing it over time, doing it in different ways and giving and getting support. Deep practice can lead you to mastery.
But what if you want to go broad. This is useful to scope out the territory of your ONE THING. Looking across the expanse of knowledge to makes sense of it.
Then there is going higher. The ONE THING you chose to do can benefit from stepping back and seeing how it fits in with other things. It's like understanding how your ONE THING relates to other disciplines and broader issues.
It can be your specialty [deep], your discipline [broad] and multi-disciplined [high]. Each valid, each seeking answers to slightly different questions.
It's not that I am against broad and high. I am really not. It's just that we don't do ONE THING deep well in our teams, our organisations, and often with our own development. And that is not helpful to our sense of purpose and wellbeing - and it's bad for business.