There are more ways than 'walking' your talk

ONE THING that is obvious to any savvy leader who is sponsoring a project or a program of work, is the need to walk the talk.

Because as a leader, everything you do is under scrutiny. People are watching all your actions, decisions, behaviours, who you are talking to and not talking to, what you have for lunch … it’s a bit creepy, really. So, make sure that whatever you say aligns with what you do. They must be the same.

But observing leaders who sponsor programs, it occurred to me that there are more ways than just walking the talk. There are those who are;

Not trying - which is totally unacceptable. It undermines the program's success and their's and the organisation's reputation.

Needs support - recognition is a great first step. By acknowledging you are a bit wobbly in some areas and are looking to change that, it is very reassuring for those doubting their own capability.

Walking - they are acting in line with the aspects that matter most with the program or project.

Running - is when leaders are able to truly motivate others with their example - and not in an ego-driven, look-at-how-good-I-am way. But actively and consciously working to support others.

Flying - then there are some people who radiate these behaviours with every aspect of their being. It's effortless and obvious.

Who do you notice most of the people you work with in these categories? And where are you?

Gayle Smerdon