do less more betterer

Feeling overwhelmed with too many THINGs to do.

Step off the hamster wheel for just a moment.

Get a pencil and paper, a bunch of sticky notes or open a spreadsheet - whatever floats your boat. Create two columns.

Now think about what work are you doing right now that is simply not adding any value or could be done more efficiently?

Pop as many as you can think of in column A.

Do you have stuff you just can't ever get to that would add value?

Write that list in column B.

Now how could you go about deleting or improving ONE THING from column A?

And how could you go about fixing ONE THING from column A?

And what's the ONE THING in column B that could be done pretty easily - i.e. without overwhelming you more - and would have an impact?

Sometimes, doing ONE THING and doing it deep can mean -

Do less more betterer.

It's simply more satisfying and sustainable.

Gayle Smerdon