The Every-THING workplace

Despite knowing that as humans, we are limited in our capacity to do too many things at once, some organisations - the Every-THING workplace - rushes ahead with multiple priorities. With a ‘Let’s get everything done now’ mindset and agendas as big as the whole outdoors, you have to admire the ambition and enthusiasm of this style of organisation. But there is a toll.

Multitasking is sometimes described as the ability to stuff up several things at once. It’s an apt analogy for the Every-THING workplace. When multiple incoherent initiatives – each with significant cultural, behavioural, procedural, financial and policy implications – are simultaneously unleashed on unsuspecting employees, no one wins. Like us, organisations can do a few things at once. But they cannot – and should not – multitask with the things that matter, particularly when doing so threatens to impact the culture, purpose, values or strategy of the organisation and the wellbeing of its people.

Acting on lots of new goals can be exciting – some of them may even be needed. But the kicker comes when it is time to implement them. People are already busy. Finding time to engage with multiple initiatives, unlearn old ways and learn the new is a rapid path to fatigue and overwhelm.

Find a way to focus on ONE THING deeply and wactch the workplace thrive.

Gayle Smerdon