The No-THING Workplace

The Every-THING workplace [see last weeks post], where so much going on your head spins, is just one form of work experience. The No-THING workplace is where there is no drive or vision for anything new. Everyone is busy covering their a**e. Heads down, just working on business-as-usual, no questions asked – there was no oxygen for anything different.

When nothing is happening, employees start feeling disengaged. The No-THING workplace saps energy. The entropy brings with it a keen sense of frustration. People feel that their skills are underutilised, their work is without purpose, and there is a lack of opportunity to grow and develop.

A downward spiral begins with a loss of confidence and, eventually, people stop trying altogether. And if they are unlucky or not careful, they begin to fit right in.

In this situation, those affected begin to demonstrate the learned helplessness and lack of autonomy that is the No-Thing-workplace norm. There is a cost to wellbeing and to the efficacy of the business. It can be more damaging than the overwhelm of the Every-THING workplace.

Starting small and engaging your people with ONE THING that matters might be the perfect tonic.

Gayle Smerdon