Now that's deep

It's not just the oneness of a ONE THING approach that is important. Sure, having focus is important. This is necessary but not sufficient.

What matters is that the ONE THING matters and that you do it so it gets 'baked in' to your practice, your team's approach or the workplace culture.

I call this, applying the Principles of Deep and these principles acknowledge that things take time. Not everyone learns at the same pace.

Deep recognises that people take up information and learn in different ways. Not everyone gets on board using the same tools. So to really make a difference, you need a few different approaches.

And to make a lasting impact, you need to involve as many of the right people as possible to allow a new normal or standard to emerge.

Deep matters when what you are doing matters. And if it doesn’t matter, why are you doing it? Now that’s deep.

Gayle Smerdon