Feel Your Feels & Find Your Focus

So Melbourne lockdown 5.0. Like many other people in the same situation, I had to cancel things I was looking forward to.

Over the five days, I planned to hold my book launch, celebrate a significant birthday (lockdown birthday number 2) and take a trip to Queensland to visit my family.

But by taking my own advice, it was - not okay - but okay. You know what I mean.

ONE THING I talk to people about when they are facing change that is not within their control is to

Feel Your Feels and Find Your Focus

Don't deny what is happening, but don't let it take you over - it's unhealthy. So when you find yourself heading towards the Valley of Suck, you know what to do.

Be present to how you are feeling. Name it, share it, investigate what you know and don't know. Do that and only that for a predetermined amount of time. I usually do 10 – 15 minutes of just thinking and feeling my feels very deeply.

Then I set it aside and find ONE THING to focus on and do. Having even a small accomplishment can give you that lovely hit of dopamine and give your brain and body a rest from uncertainty.

So that's what I did. I acknowledged that I was sad and frustrated about all the work I had done, the expense and the people and fun I would miss out on. But I actually got a lot done and managed to feel fine.

#doonethingdeep #change #uncertainty

Gayle Smerdon