If there is ONE THING that we have learnt recently is that everything can change in a heartbeat. And that what (and who) used to look really important might have slipped a few points in the rankings.

We have had the opportunity to step back and reflect on what really matters. Ask ourselves how we want to work, where, on what and with whom.

And when we find ONE THING that really matters, it ill-behoves us to ignore it.

So in your workplace, what is the most significant ONE THING you could be doing?

Go on, write a list outlining some possibilities.

Now choose ONE THING that you will do deep - that's together, over time and in different ways - so it gets baked into the warp and weft of your culture.

Is it a healthier, more innovative, sustainable, kinder, or smarter workplace? Something else, maybe?

Give people ONE worthwhile THING to share a belief in.

Seriously. Stop wasting the time and goodwill of your people by doing things that are for show, tick the box, or because the other kids are doing it. Find ONE THING that matters and help employees make it a reality.

#doonethingdeep #workthatmatters #workhuman

Gayle Smerdon