Focused persistent action

Nothing succeeds like focused persistent action. And that is the heart of doing ONE THING and doing it deep.

Finding ONE THING that matters and focusing our attention on that and only that helps us, our teams and our organisations be more productive [coz we suck at multitasking and have brains that easily fatigue when we try]. Plus, bonus, it provides certainty - we are clear on what we need to do.

Being easily distracted by other priorities and not giving your ONE THING enough time to really have an effect is also a bit problematic. People need time to learn, to unlearn and to fit things into their everyday working-life.

Even if we fail to take action, there will still be change, but it won't be of your making. Taking positive action on the ONE THING you are focused on and giving it time gives you the best possible chance of effecting positive change. It still might not work out as you hoped, but at least you gave it a red-hot-go and there is no doubt that you will learn something valuable along the way.

Doing ONE THING and doing it deep is the necessary art of focused, persistent action.

If you'd like to talk about how you, your team or your organisation can use a do ONE THING deep approach, get in touch.

#doonethingdeep #focus #persistence #action

Gayle Smerdon