Organisational defibrillator

There are times when you question whether there is any point in trying to make a difference and change THINGs for the better at work. Times when you just want to drop that mic.

People are overwhelmed and frustrated with so much going on at once or nothing going on at all. Sometimes on the same day.

That important initiative has been stalled again and looks like getting permanently shelved this time, after months of work.

Or there are multiple THINGS on the go, and your head is spinning like Linda Blair in the Exorcist - and you're a bit nauseous, so that doesn't bode well.

Either way, there is ONE THING that can help. But by now, you may need a ONE THING organisational defibrillator™ to get your workplace started again. Something that can reestablish a healthy rhythm.

Creating a focused campaign that works on ONE THING that people care about, that you allow people time to get on board with, that engages with them and in different ways could be just the treatment protocol you need.

Remind people that they can work well by doing ONE THING and doing it deep, in order to give them hope for working well in lots of ways.

Gayle Smerdon