Nothing Matters
Are you good at doing nothing? I mean really deep, absolute nothing?
Turns out, I’m not. When I am 'doing nothing', it's more likely to be supported nothing.
Yep! I need support for doing nothing! How lazy does that sound?
Some of my favourite supports include a good telly series. Or food - that works. Or calling someone to chat to on the phone. Yes, I am old and still do that.
But what is usually happening when we say we are doing nothing is that we are doing nothing important. Nothing that really matters.
And who's got time for that?
So don't call it nothing. Call it what it is. Watching telly, having a snack or a chat. Make it a deliberate choice. Own your actions.
Life seems smaller when we feel we are constantly 'doing nothing' out of habit or boredom or tiredness.
Make your 'nothing' into 'a something' - and then make it into 'something special'.
What is ONE noTHING that you turn into a something?