10 Ways to be flexible

It's not about where you work. Workplace flexibility is about so much more.

Here are 10 ways organisations can support their people to work flexibly.

- variable start and finish times

- compressed work weeks - same hours across fewer days

- time-in-lieu or flexitime - recouping or banking additional time worked

- design your roster and shift swapping

- remote working

- part-time or causal hours

- job sharing

- purchased leave - a percentage of salary is withheld to be paid during additional leave

- unplanned leave - paid or unpaid for family, health, education or leisure

- increasing or decreasing hours - e.g. after parental leave and transition to retirement

Let me know what other ways there are to work flexibly and broaden the conversation.

#doonethingdeep #flexiblework

Gayle Smerdon