Small improvements
We can be pretty impatient with ourselves and feel we are not making the progress that we should and haven't achieved enough.
But just as there are times when you just need to jump into the deep end, there are times when you step in slowly into unknown waters.
A small person example is that I was recently reminded of the health benefits of ending your shower under invigorating cold water. I was instructed to turn the shower all the way to cold and 'stoic' my way through it for one minute. This is not my way. I turned the water three-quarters of the way to all-cold and did that for a few days. Then challenged myself to increase the intensity and the duration over a couple of weeks. I have come to look forward to this now, and am almost at full-on cold.
I love the idea of having audacious goals, dreaming big but then focusing on taking small incremental steps over time. As Warren Buffett says, "I don't look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over". But he steps over a lot of them.
Now, this might not be your way. And even if it is most of the time, it might not be how you approach everything. But ONE THING that works for me is focusing on the small significant progress, remembering to enjoy the ride, and letting the bigger goal takes care of itself.