Are you making the right shit contagious?

Now I probably need to be a little more specific when I say we need to make work less shit because there is good and bad shit.

I'm sure you have heard that expression, "Yeah, man, this is some good shit" even if it was in an eighties comedy with a couple of hippy characters.

Now maybe that's not the same kinda shit that I am referring to, but I think our 80s comedic hippies would have appreciated this sentiment. Just as the annoying, frustrating and contagious toxic shit can get in the way of health, happiness and great outcomes, so the right kinda shit can support a positive contagion.

And the building blocks for that are:

> Curiosity - we are genuinely interested in the ideas, experiences and concerns of others.

> Kindness - we see each person as someone who is (mostly) doing the best they can in whatever situation they are in.

> Courage - we are not afraid to say what we think and feel, and act in accordance with our values.

Imagine if we were all to come to work with that mind(and heart)set and stay there for the day.

I know you know people who do. It might even be you. But if it isn't, you probably admire these people greatly. You might wonder how they do it. They focus their attention out to the environment and people around them while standing calmly and solidly in their own values.

This sort of shit you want to cultivate in yourself. It's the type you put on you metaphorical plants to help them grow.

Will it solve all the toxic shit that is going on? No! But it's a good place to work from.

#doonethingbetter #courage #curiosity #kindness

Gayle Smerdon