Show me the time!

Have you noticed a greater focus on the value of our time? Perhaps there should be a new version of Jerry Maguire where Tom Cruise shouts, "Show me the time!"

Whether it's how much, what we do, where we spend it, or who we are with, we seem more invested in considering this truly finite resource. Not unsurprising, as we have just come through a pandemic that focused our attention on the vicissitudes of life.

What are the things that make a difference, an impact, that matter? Do I want to spend time commuting to to office to be in online meetings all day with others who are not here? Could I manage the work in fewer days - and the research is pointing to yes? What other precious things could I do with the time I save? Could I spend more time with family, friends and in my community?

It's heartening that people are choosing to question, think and reflect on the best use of this "one wild and precious life". And there are more articles, books and podcasts that share new and old ways of looking at these ideas.

And it's not just the how, what, when and where of our time, but being right there in it - whatever you choose to be doing.

As Michael Altshuler says,

"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot."

Enjoy the flight and remember, "Show me the time!"

Gayle Smerdon