What Do You Need To Let Go Of At Work?

Most productivity advice focuses on what you need to do—better time management, sharper priorities, or the latest hack for squeezing efficiency out of every moment. But the real key to thriving at work might not be doing more new and different things to support productivity. It could be about letting go.

Here are a few of my favourites!

Let Go of Perfectionism

Perfectionism masquerades as high standards, but it’s more often a trap. It leads to overediting reports, reworking presentations that were already good enough, or delaying decisions in search of an impossible ideal. While high standards are valuable, perfectionism drains time and energy without adding proportional value. Try aiming for ‘excellent and done’ rather than ‘flawless and unfinished.’

Let Go of Meetings That Should Be Emails

Too many of us sit through meetings that could have been summed up in a three-line email. If you have the power to cancel or decline unnecessary meetings, do it. If you don’t, challenge the need for them. A clear agenda and a time limit can turn a bloated meeting into a productive one.

Let Go of the Need to Be Involved in Everything

Being a go-to person is great—until it’s not. If you’re finding yourself pulled into decisions and projects that don’t truly require your input, it might be time to step back. Delegation and trust are not signs of disinterest; they’re marks of strong leadership.

Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go. Hermann Hesse

Let Go of the Need for Immediate Replies

Not every email, message, or request needs an instant response. The constant pressure to be available at all times disrupts deep work and increases stress. Unless it’s urgent, schedule times to check and respond to emails rather than reacting instantly.

Let Go of Unproductive Stress

There’s useful stress—the kind that drives performance and helps you prepare for important tasks. Then there’s the kind that serves no purpose other than making you miserable. Recognizing the difference can help you focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t.

Let Go of Tasks That No Longer Serve a Purpose

Many workplaces have tasks, reports, or processes that continue out of habit rather than necessity. If something feels like a relic of the past, question its relevance. If it’s no longer valuable, advocate for change.

The Freedom of Letting Go

Letting go isn’t about giving up; it’s about making space for what truly matters. By consciously shedding the unnecessary, you create room for creativity, effectiveness, and a more meaningful work life.

So, what do you need to let go of?

Gayle Smerdon