Good measures, a good buddy and a good laugh

Getting stuff done can be hard. There seem to be some things that we are more resistant to than others - and not just because we are lazy. Maybe we are frightened of failing - or succeeding.

And this is especially true if we are solely in charge of the timeframe for completion. And checking the cat is comfy before you try and start work on that ONE THING – again – is a good sign that there is a problem.

What I find that helps in this situation is two things [I know, I was stunned as well]. Getting an accountability buddy and creating some meaningful activity to track.

I have recently got a new buddy, and we are working on our own projects that we need some support with. We connect each Friday for a catch-up. And while it's nice to chat for a moment each week, we have recently clarified our own questions. Sharing these with a buddy who can put these to you regularly keeps us accountable for what is most meaningful to us.

Mine are more qualitative but have a general and a specific focus.

What have you done this week to make X happen [general] and did it include Y and Z [specific things I need to work on]?

Then, I look at what worked, what didn't and what's next. And each week, we choose around three small tasks to follow up on.

My buddy has a more quantitative set of targets - this many of those in a day, week, month.

Use whatever measures work for you. Make sure your buddy knows what they are so they can ask you in the way you want. And be supportive.

And it doesn't hurt that we have a pretty good laugh as we solve dilemmas and discover the strange ways we get in our own way at times.

I feel very blessed to have such great support.

Is this ONE THING you could use as well?

Gayle Smerdon