Re-thinking for yourself

How flexible is your thinking? Are you prepared to rethink your position, and does it matter? Adam Grant's book, Think Again, argues that it does matters and we suck at it. [I may be paraphrasing]

We are surprisingly good at renewing many things in our lives - updating our clothing, homes, and software. But when it comes to throwing away information and ideas that no longer fit, are out-of-date or have functional flaws, we look like hoarders on a reality TV show.

We hold on to ideas because we are pretty lazy thinkers. A big part of that is evolutionary biology rather than a character flaw. Our brain wants to conserve energy where ever possible.

Questioning our beliefs creates uncertainty, and that is uncomfortable. We get attached to our understanding of the world. Giving up our ideas can be like giving up part of our identity. With so much time and effort coming to a perspective or to a deep understanding, abandoning our ideas can make us feel foolish or a failure.

What's ONE THING in your workplace you need to re-think?

Take a deep breath, put on some re-thinking glasses, look around. Test your thinking with someone who won't agree with you. Encourage someone who is also re-thinking for themselves.

Gayle Smerdon