
I'm a bit introverted. This week, I had one of my most social times planned for this year. Catching up with friends for coffee, some face-to-face meetings with clients, a movie and even an outing into nature. I was a bit worried I had overdone things.

But what unfortunate timing, because here we are in lockdown again in Victoria.

Granted, the slight disturbance in my social life is comparatively low on the list of costs from these restrictions.

But it got me thinking about how I've been managing to stay connected in light of some recent research on how our networks are shrinking.

A recent HBR article suggests some good reason for refocusing our efforts on connection.

ONE THING we can do is to "make a list of three people you haven’t seen in a while and reach out. Your day will be better and your work will benefit".

Challenge accepted. Will you?

Gayle Smerdon