Prepped and Ready for the Day

This morning I saw the guy climbing the many rungs on the ladder to get to a crane working on a building site near my place.

I don't often see him do this.

At the last platform but one, he stopped and spent some time looking around. I wondered if he might be tired from the steps, but the way he was peering made me think that how was doing a visual check of the rig.

Today, he also took a walk along the long arm of the crane. It looked terrifying to me but is probably just something he does as a matter of routine. [Shudder]

Then he popped into the cabin and shortly after, the arm swung its full 360 degrees and the hook on the arm ran out and back towards the cabin.

He does that 360 thing every morning. I assume that this is another check. You wouldn't want to get stuck in a certain spot with one of the heavy loads that are carried every day.

What is ONE THING you do each morning that gives you pause to check you are prepped and ready to go?

For me, it's journalling - mostly because that is a keystone habit for a lot of other habits I've connected like meditation, stretching and exercise. But also because it is a chance to stop, write some reflections, set some intentions and just check in with myself.

Gayle Smerdon