On loving horror movies

When I was about 20, I could not watch horror movies at all. This was a bit annoying as I wanted to hang with some friends who were quite into them.

So one cold winter night, a couple of friends and I hired about 10 videos - Yes! it was a long time ago! - and settled in with some good snacks and a few [too many] bevvies and watched them all.

By morning, after a journey through some classics of the genre and some dark and horrifying tales, I was cured of this fear. I'd figured out the formula and learned a few helpful rules should I ever find myself in a horror movie.

- Always turn the lights on
- Never drop your weapon because they're not dead or there's more
- Don't trust the first house or car you encounter following an escape
- You are pretty safe in the loo [at the time, not many people seemed to die there]

There are some things I have to do, but don't like doing. I procrastinate, worry and waste time and energy. And I'm not terribly good at them because I am all avoid-y.

ONE THING I know is when I go all out, find every opportunity to practice, get good by perservering, I start to... maybe not enjoy, but look forward to what I previously hated.

Immerse yourself and see what happens - just not by cabins in the woods near a lake.

Gayle Smerdon