Stop it! You're skilling me!

Not everyone in the team is gung-ho on learning, developing and growing in their role. And to an extent, that might be okay. Maybe not a very big extent when you think about how quickly things can change.

After a coaching session with a staff member who was honing some negotiating skills, she went to leave the room, turned back and said, "You're doing that thing again, where you trick me into doing something new and improving myself, aren't you?"

As a manager, you can support learning by being a little stealthy. It can be necessary to fly close to the ground to support the reticent, or those who just lack a little confidence.

You are not doing the work, just finding enticing ways to engage your peeps in a little stretch.

What sparks an individuals curiosity? What small degree of trust can you show before a clear demonstration of competence? Where is the space for productive and supported learning in the team?

This is a very creative and fulfilling endeavour. Setting up an opportunity for someone to grow - almost despite themselves.

Finding that ONE perfect THING for them to try, giving a nudge of support, and then helping them see themselves differently is delightful.

Gayle Smerdon