The Missing Question

According to Patrick Lencioni, each organisation needs to answer six critical questions to have the clarity they need to promote organisational health.

1. Why do we exist? [the purpose, mission or vision]
2. How do we behave? [our values]
3. What do we do? [basic business definition]
4. How will we succeed? [the strategic plan]
6. Who must do what? [the roles required]

Question 5. asks "What is most important, right now?"

From what I have observed in teams and organisations, this question is often missing or dangerously undercooked.

But as he says, more than any other question, "this one will have the most immediate tangible impact on an organisation, probably because it addresses two of the most maddening day-to-day challenges companies face: organisational A.D.D. and silos."

In order to "create a sense of alignment and focus, [organisations] must have a single top priority within a given period of time."

This is a single theme, a goal, a rallying cry, a ONE THING.

Doing ONE THING and doing it deep [not tick-the-box or because everyone is] is a catalyst for re/building a healthy, successful workplace.

Gayle Smerdon