Salami Culture

Is busy-ness salami-ing your culture?

When you have so much going on, it's easy for important things to slip.

Thin slice, by thin slice, ONE THING after another gets ever so slightly overlooked and it shifts you away from important goals and values.

What you do and who you are gets put on hold. You definitely intend to get back to that as soon as you can.

People who came here to do what you do and because they liked who you were as an organisation move on. All that passion and ability to model what matters just walks out the door.

And then one day, all that's left is the little piece of string attached to a tiny piece of meaty salami casing.

Don't let salami tactics devour your workplace culture.

Do ONE THING that matters for your culture, your teams and your professional development. And do it deep.

Gayle Smerdon