
When I started working for myself after many, many years as an employee, some of my family and friends were concerned about the decision.

Was I sure?

Wouldn't I miss the security that being employed brings?

What happens if it all goes pear-shaped?

There is a trade-off in many parts of the workforce these days between the security of a regular paycheck and the flexibility of working [obstensibly] for yourself. Or just in a role where you have more control over the when and how of your work.

What does the middle ground look like?

Would we want to live there?

A place where there is a degree of both flexibility and security irrespective of who you work for - an employee or yourself. Some way to value what you bring to the economy, the community and your family [whatever that is to you]. A way to support you in bringing the best of yourself throughout your life and in your varied roles.

What does flexi-curity look like to you? What's ONE THING that could make that happen?

Gayle Smerdon