Desire Paths

Sometimes there is a clear path before us but we don't always want to follow it.

A desire path is a shortcut between two points. Despite a constructed pathway being available, people find an alternative way that is more direct, quicker or suits their needs better. Over time, this 'other way' gets worn down and becomes its own pathway.

I love the idea that planners will not initially construct an actual path on a site. They will wait to see where the desire paths spring up and then build the path where people want to walk, rather than where they are directed to walk.

I think of desire paths within our own professional development.

There may be a formal program that you can follow. Or you can take yourself more directly to where you want to go. It may be uncharted, but who knows, you might be leading the way for others.

If you're not sure about what's next for your professional development, come along to an informal group discussion on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, at 11:00 am AEST.

There is a link to get your invitation to "Development compass - finding my next ONE THING" in the comments section. I will be sharing a few ideas from my book, "iDevelop: how to take charge of your professional development by becoming a conscious learner."

Gayle Smerdon