Invasive Workplace Species

Ever have something in your workplace that was supposed to solve a problem, but end up being a nightmare all of its own?

Has your organisation introduced the equivalent of myxomatosis or the cane toad?

Yes... what was that ONE THING that just popped into your mind?

  • That new tech solution never worked, didn't play well with the other tech, and made doing anything more difficult and time-consuming.

  • A new level of oversight that was meant to provide transparency across the organisation but just turned out to be a big roll of red tape and some hoops.

  • A people initiative designed to bring greater clarity and support performance, but just became pointless busywork.

We tend to think there isn't much we can do about these errant innitiatives. Once we have put that much time, money and effort into it, we just keep trying to make it work.

But eradication might be the only solution. And it will take effort.

Now, I'm not saying don't try new stuff. Just don't put your head in the sand when something isn't working. Don't let that solution go on creating havoc in your environment.

Invasive species can quickly get out of hand and it's ONE THING that will need some dedicated attention to get under control.

Gayle Smerdon