Where Leaders Stand

A recent lockdown saw me rewatching 'The Newsroom'. [I am a fan] ONE THING, a line in an episode caught my attention.

Sloan Sabbith, a journalist, made an error of judgment by broadcasting something she heard 'off the record'. She is suspended and the man she interviewed could need to resign. To save his honour [and her job], the Network Head concocts a barely plausible story about how the mistake was made.

Sloan asks her boss, Will MacAvoy if he wants her to go on air, stand in front of their newsdesk bearing their logo and lie. Especially as they pride themselves on giving the best, most accurate news on the events they report and on holding those who publically spread misinformation to account.

They agree that while this won't be their finest hour, it will save her source, and she will be reinstated.

Will says that he'll be standing right beside her and in front if there is any fallout. He'll always be right beside her and in front.

As dialogue, it's a little awkward. But it's an interesting image. In this instance, the leader is with you - not in your way, not somewhere behind, but positioned where they can be ready to step in if needed. Alongside and to the front.

Where would you like to picture your leader to be standing relative to you and your team?

Gayle Smerdon