Which doughnut?

Mr Gump may have gotten it wrong. Any good box of chocolates comes with pictures and descriptions.

Even Monty Python's delectable "Whizzo Quality Assortment" described their "Crunchy Frog" as "the finest baby frogs, dew picked and flown from Iraq, cleansed in finest quality spring water, lightly killed, and then sealed in a succulent Swiss quintuple smooth treble cream milk chocolate envelope and lovingly frosted with glucose."

I was reflecting on the whole chocolate-as-a-metaphor-for-life situation because I tend to have workdays that are like doughnuts. [Okay, it links in my brain]

Some days have lots of visual appeal - toppings and decorations but have a hole in the centre. These are my distracted days when I find it hard to focus and look for novel ways of occupying myself.

Other days, things look a little plainer, but they are filled with delicious custards or gooey jam. Their centre is pure sweetness.

Working on and achieving ONE THING that matters is the centre of the doughnut for me. It can be a big THING, like getting that chapter written, or a small THING, like being one inch kinder than my frustration tries to dictate.

Neither is a healthy choice in reality - but when you select your metaphorical doughnut, which will you buy today?

Gayle Smerdon