Ideas like buses

Maybe it's just me, but ever notice how ideas seem to come along like buses. You wait for ages... and ages... and it's cold and wet... and yep, still waiting. And then three [always three for some reason] come by in quick succession.

And after waiting for some time, the little ideas, cold and wet as they are, are a little impatient to get on the bus. They can get a little pushy.

Sometimes, they are so pushy, that while I am opening my device to record one, the other one shoots by and is gone. Maybe it got on the bus behind this one. Maybe it remembered it left the iron on or didn't have their bus pass. Who knows?

Then there is the bus that just goes straight by because it's already full. You had your hopes up as it approached, but ... dashed again. You are so busy with other stuff, there is just no room for new ideas to get a look in.

What's ONE THING you do to help your ideas get to where they need to be?

#doonethingdeep #ideas #action

Gayle Smerdon