Putting the "i" in development

We each need to be responsible for our professional development. It's our career, and we need to manage it.

We know that opportunities for development matter and are some of the most highly ranked reasons for attraction and, conversely, departures. So those employers that provide excellent learning opportunities will have a distinct advantage.

But where that doesn't happen, there is a lot that employees can do for themselves, and it's not all expensive workshops and certifications.

Becoming a conscious learner means that you get to focus your attention on developing ONE THING that will positively shift your abilities. And there are a million small ways to do it.

What I find works with coaching clients is to find the ONE THING they most want to develop. Then, we construct a plan to incorporate skill-building into the flow of work, combining active and reflective forms of learning. Some are done alone, but others include the support and external perspectives others can bring and leverage the benefits of social learning.

Get in touch if you or someone you know is interested in putting the "i" in your development. I currently have a few coaching places for curious and committed learners.

#doonethingdeep #coaching #learning

Gayle Smerdon