Who's your pace car

A pace car leads a lap or laps of the racecourse for the competitors before the start of a race to allow their engines to warm up and to permit a flying start.

They also keep the cars in their respective positions when there is an accident.

I have a couple of people who act like my pace cars. I follow their lead when I am starting something new. They let me try stuff out and get more confident on the track. Then they get out of the way when I am ready to take off.

But they are there when things go wrong. They help me keep a steady pace when there are things strewn across my path. Once things are clear again, they let me take off.

They are there when it matters, and not there when it matters.

Being a pace car is ONE THING I love to do for others - with friends and coaching clients.

Who is your pace car?

Gayle Smerdon