Then let it simmer

I have been ruminating about a particular decision that needed to be made. But I couldn't come to any sound conclusions. I had to admit, I didn't know what to do. I had advice, thought about it, made benefits and concerns lists, thought some more - but I just didn't know.

And there was my answer. The answer was that I didn't know - yet.

Where some ideas and decisions just seem to pop into my head fully formed and ready to go, others struggle to be born.

It's like you are making stock, and all the ingredients are dropped in that big heavy pot together - and at this point, the dish looks like a few sticks of celery, a random carrot and an onion out for a lovely warm swim.

But give them time to simmer, turn the pot to low and just let it do its thing, the flavours infusing with each other. After some time, it all forms into the essence of an idea about what to do.

ONE THING you need to remember is that some ideas and decisions take time. And when they have that, you just lift the lid, and there it is.

Gayle Smerdon