The Pointy Scale

Not everything you do during the workday feels totally fulfilling, purposeful or sometimes, vaguely rational.

Some things just have to be done. Or do they?

- Perhaps they could be better done another way.

- Perhaps they could be done by someone with more appropriate skills.

- Perhaps they could simply not be done at all.

It's a good idea to do a Pointy Audit regularly to make sure that the work you are doing is necessarily done in this way and by you.

This isn't about palming off stuff you don't like doing. That would be wrong.

It's an honest task appraisal to ensure your skills and achieving the outcomes for your organisation are best aligned.

Spending lots of time doing pointless stuff, especially if it's done like that because it always has been, is an engagement killer.

What's the ONE THING you want to check against the Pointy Scale?

Gayle Smerdon