
Our work environment is a place that uses the energy we bring each day and can either multiply it or erase it.

What's energising our people? And how much precious energy is going to things that fail to add value to them or the business?

That THING you are thinking of, the one that drains you - what is that? And is it something that you and your team could work on?

A clear purpose in your organisation, knowing your 'why', matters. But on a smaller scale, you and your team can find a way to change what you do to make work more fulfilling.

And by focusing on doing a little less of ONE THING that depletes you and a little more of ONE THING that energises you, you can change how you feel at both ends of the day.

So, are you making the most of your energy at work?

#doonthingdeep #energy #attention #agency

Gayle Smerdon