Get your focus on

During this global pandemic, people have been reporting a decreasing ability to focus their attention.

Jessica Sharmin Rahman, a PhD candidate at the ANU School of Computing, shared how since February 2020, there has been an increased interest in finding solutions to this loss of focus, evidenced from an increase of people searching for information on the internet:

- a 300% increase in people searching "how to get your brain to focus better"

- a 110% increase for "how to focus better"

- a 60% increase in searching for "how to increase your focus".

[Part of her research looks at how different types of music - from binaural beats to Justin Beiber - can influence mood and help us to focus when we're doing other tasks.]

What's ONE THING that helps keep you focused on what matters and ONE THING that is a total attention derailer?

Here is the link if you'd like to hear the interview:

Gayle Smerdon