Think, Ask, Say

How are your leaders and teams communicating right now?

The relationship between a manager and their direct report is a - if not the most - critical factor for business success and employee well-being and engagement. How the team leader communicates expectations will profoundly affect the team's health and productivity.

Understanding how we all think and communicate differently, being a great coach and knowing the best way to provide feedback are still foundational skills that any manager needs to know and leverage.

Where are you right now?

Instructors see their role as telling people precisely what to do and how to do it. Employees don't need to think for themselves and feel their opinion and experiences are irrelevant, so they stop trying. This environment creates a sense of learned helplessness that stifles innovation and productivity.

Advisors aren't proactive when it comes to communicating, and a lack of regular engagement has employees seeking instruction to clarify what's required. There is less time for focused work when a lack of routine, thorough discussions have people working from one piece of information to the next.

Explorers take the time to listen and help their team work through solutions. They realise where and when help is needed. People start to feel safe to take a risk. With encouragement, they can get beyond solving problems to creating opportunities for something new and better.

Inspirers bring out the best in their people. They know how to encourage autonomy, and the conversations they have with their teams fosters creativity and creates a focused and energised workplace.

Working with leaders who 'get' how important these foundational skills are - in that they benefit their teams, lighten their load and make work more enjoyable - is ONE sure-fire THING that will build a better workplace for everyone.

Get in touch if you would like to to find out how my Think, Ask, Say programs could help your leaders and teams.

#doonethingdeep #coaching #leadership #teams

Gayle Smerdon