More with less
Are you asked to do more with less?
> Maybe there are fewer people right now.
> Or a few new people who will need your time.
> Or a few projects that got put aside over COVID all need picking up.
It seems like a lot of people are really stretched right now.
It's fine to do more. It's even okay to do it with less - for a while.
But when it seems to be going on and on, then it might be time to rephrase that saying and
You can't keep the same workforce, a bigger agenda and workload and expect great outcomes. You certainly can't do it if you believe that well-being matters.
When you have less resources, focus on the things that matter. Don't keep trying to do it all.
Are you working on what matters in the most effective way you can? What's ONE THING you can consciously let go of for now?