Things emerge over time

We are so often in a rush. There are so may things to get done. If we could finish this, we could get on with something else.

But some things take their own time.

A few weeks ago, I planted some of my favourite bulbs - freesias and ranuculars. I watch them every day to keep track of progress. Eagerly awaiting the first signs of emergence from the soil.

It didn't take all that long, but they all come through at their own pace. You might see a small disturbance in the level ground. Or a remarkably small pinprick of green - so tiny I had to get my glasses to make sure of what it was. Or a couple of bold leaves spring up.

Some projects and initiatives are like that. You prepare the soil and watch as small aspects struggle to the surface. It takes patient observation and targeted encouragement to get the whole thing blooming.

ONE THING I know is that some things just take time, and they are better for allowing it.

Gayle Smerdon