The joys and pains of auditioning

We never really stop auditioning in our lives. And it is such a conflicted process. There is the excitement of possibilities and the terror of rejection.

This is certainly true when we are applying for a job. You prepare as best you can. Research the company, script the application, find out about the panel, rehearse for the interview. But it's never guaranteed.

And it's the same every time I write a proposal for an organisation. You do all of those things - research, refine, reach out, give it your best shot. But that is never guaranteed either.

And then there is dating...

Of course, actors do this all the time. After all their preparation, they show up on the day and give the audition their best. Like the job seeker and the consultant, I am pretty sure the actor vacillates between imagining the exciting possibilities ahead and the disappointment of being rejected.

But, you can't ever really know what is in the directors head. You audition, and bring your best self. But in the mind of the person judging your efforts, they saw someone taller, or with a different tone of voice - or a different qualification, level of experience, ... you get the gist.

So you do your best, you let it go and you ask what's the next bigger and better ONE THING?

#doonethingdeep #bringyourbestself #letgo

Gayle Smerdon