Lost and found

Someone asked me what had been happening this week that made me happy. I replied that I had found my favourite brown lipstick. I have been looking for it for months and had given up on ever finding it. But in the process of sorting through some of the darker, deeper recesses of my house, there it was.

ONE small THING, but finding something I lost was only one side of the coin. The purpose of the adventure that reunited me with my lovely lipstick was to lose things I didn't need and not to find something I had lost—a perfect and paradoxical lesson.

My clearing-out session also made me think about the things I was hanging on to. It made me consider some of the non-material things I have been holding on tightly to that don't serve me well. And letting them go can be difficult.

I love the place I live in, but it has some issues I can't overlook anymore, so I am looking to move.

I have friends who have stopped making any effort to stay in touch, so I am letting them go.

I have unreasonable expectations of myself and others, so I am working through them as they come up in order to let them go.

I have found that you make room for other things by consciously letting some things go. Following last weeks winter solstice, it seems like a good time to reflect and make room for some new things to sprout into life.

And, who knows, in the process of letting things go, you may rediscover some tiny treasures that you only thought you had lost.

#doonethingdeep #lostandfound #lettinggo

Gayle Smerdon