Take it OUT
Last week, we noted that when things are going wrong, like really wrong in the workplace, some folks internalise what's happening and take disproportionate blame upon themselves. However, a very different response sees others take it OUT on anyone and everyone around them. Their frustration boils over and results in aggressive and blaming behaviours. These are toxic to the workplace and unacceptable.
Now frustrations in the workplace may abound, but regulating your emotions is the job of every grown-up. The need to blame and point fingers isn't helpful. You need to find other ways to deal with a bad situation.
How do you want things to resolve? Who needs to know about the impact of the situation? What is in your control? What isn't? And how do you do whatever you can, while maintaining your composure, and then let it go?
It's fine to feel angry or frustrated. It's fine to tell people about this. But don't add to the shit in the workplace by being one.
#doointhingdeep #makeworklessshit #takeitout