Take ON

The next approach is not to blame yourself, or others, or just leave. This time you are going to lean into this shitty situation. Maybe you can do something positive and productive to make things better for you, your coworkers, and the business.

Sometimes the situation is rusted in place like a barnacle. It seems impossible. But maybe there is ONE THING that will make a difference.

Ask the question. Talk to people positively and respectfully about what's happening. Maybe they are experiencing something similar or have a different perspective that shows the problem in a whole new light.

Come up with an idea. What can be done? Is there some small way to test it out? Who would you need to support you and be involved? Do you need to ask permission or seek forgiveness?

Even if you try and fail and eventually decide that moving on is the only rational option, then how much better that you give it a shot? You never know what you might learn - or who might be paying attention to your attempts to improve things - that will be useful further on your journey.

#doonethingdeep #makeworklessshit #takeiton

Gayle Smerdon